So again, I haven't blogged in a couple months, and I apologize to the three people that follow my blog (you know who you are). I had a bloggable thing happen yesterday though, so I figured I'd better write about it.
Yesterday I brought some chicken and rice soup to campus for dinner. I heated it up in the microwave in the math building. I wasn't really paying attention to it while it was microwaving, which turned out to not be good since it was boiling when it was done. I tried to shield it with paper towels, but alas, I burned my thumb and dropped the whole thing on the floor. Sad day! I leaned over and commenced picking up the grains of rice that had scattered everywhere.
A nice guy in line behind me offered his salad to make up for my lost dinner, which restored my faith in the humanity of people in general. I thanked him, but said I'd be fine. While I was on my knees scraping the floor, a group of guys walked by and one said, "Do you know what this reminds me of?"
I didn't know he was talking about me, but I realized he was after what he said next.
"This reminds me of the scene from Mulan when Ping spills all the rice and everybody has to pick it up so they all get really mad at him."
Then four guys started helping me pick up individual grains of rice. It was quite a hilarious sight. After we were done, I thanked them and went to the cougareat to grab some food that wasn't on the floor.
That's a sight that I'll always think of whenever I see Mulan again. Yay for kind strangers :)