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Friday, May 15, 2009

Happy Early Birthday!

So, the layout for birthdays on the new facebook isn't very clear. They have everyone whose birthday is coming up listed in a row in bright red print with the day of their birthday in light gray print next to their name. Today, I was looking there and just opened up everyone's profile who was in red and wished them a happy birthday. Seconds later, I realized that I was the first one to do so on many profiles. I looked back and realized that their birthdays weren't today, they were sometime in the next couple days. Oops.

I promptly deleted my comments. Now no one will know of my slip-ups except the people themselves (probably the worst people to know). That's okay, I'll just make sure to wish them happy birthday on their real birthday.

1 comment:

  1. Personally, yeah. Not a big fan of the way Facebook does birthdays. My problem is that I used to be really good at Facebooking "happy birthday!!" to just about everyone, but now that it's so far down the page I forget to check.

    Oh well. It's the thought that counts! And just in case, happy 20th next February! :)
