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Thursday, April 23, 2009

Little brothers can save the world!

I think my brother's hilarious. This is what was on the computer when I went on to check my email:

Turning the TV off
Little Tommie was up all last night watching the Late Late Show. That next morning Tommie had a test and flunked. TV is addictive this has happened to poor Tommie. If TV wasn’t on Tommie wouldn’t have flunked that test and many other things would have gone better, such as he wouldn’t have wasted that electricity.
Rather than sleeping, people across America stay up all night watching TV comedies. By doing this people decrease productivity and increase unhealthiness. By cutting the number of hours TV is broadcasted, people would have better jobs grades and lives.
People claim that they need TV at night for the news because there at their jobs when the news is on. The solution to this problem is simple, go online and then read the news on the latest topics faster then they say on TV and on there are no commercials.
By doing this people would save electricity two ways. One, the people watching the TV would be asleep, not using the TV antenna and the TV itself. The companies who broadcast and receive television signals would not be broadcasting. This is a good way to end climate change.
This is a good way to start building a healthier and overall better America. Now let’s reverse the Tommie situation and stop watching TV at night to save America and the world.

I'm definitely persuaded. Let's save America and the world everyone!